Sunday, August 8, 2010

Patio lanterns

I'm writing this post at the camp. I won’t be able to publish it here because we don’t have an internet hook-up, but it’s still fun all the same. It’s 9:30pm Saturday and Diego went to bed a little while ago. Kharim did the dishes while I was getting the little dude ready for bedtime. It was nice to listen to the waves crashing on the beach while he was drinking his bottle.

It feels like things are getting a bit easier down here. This visit seems more relaxing, which is great. I was worried that I had made a mistake thinking that a trailer would be fun. I know cottages are supposed to be work, but with all the little things we’ve had to do lately I was wondering if I had complicated life instead of simplifying it.

But I really think we’re going in the right direction.

Kharim even remembered to bring long PJs this time to help protect against the mosquitoes. We’ve been pretty vigilant today about keeping the screen door shut so I don’t think we have as many inside with us tonight. I just killed one as I was typing…amazing multi-tasking skills!

We made a few more improvements to camp life today. Kharim duct-taped the accordion door between the galley and the beds so now we can close a room off. Some light gets through but it allows us to keep the lights on over the dinette so we can read after Diego goes to bed.

And we fired up the PC mini-grill for the first time today. We had gourmet hot dogs with beer to wash them down. Delish. (Diego skippedthe BBQ because he’s on a bit of a soup/stew kick these days.) Plus, to put those multi-tasking skills to further use, I whipper-snippered around the trailer while I was waiting for the dogs to cook.

In the “all-geeked-out” category, I spray-painted one of the propane tanks silver. It really does look good. I felt a bit nerdy doing it but it was worth the effort.

In the “classic-camp” category, Kharim strung the patio lanterns along the edge of the awning. I love, love, love patio lanterns. We always had them (these ones are pretty old so these might be the ones we’ve had for eons) and it just feels like home when they go up. Kim Mitchell knew what he was talking about.

And with all that excitement behind us, it’s hard to believe there’s more to look forward to but there is! Tomorrow morning we’re going to the Musquodoboit Harbour Farmers’ Market for the first time ever! Exciting. Then maybe a beach stroll with some yummy baked goods.

OK, adding to post now that we're back in town on Sunday night.

We had a great night's sleep in the trailer. Diego was up once in the middle of the night but just for a quick drink and was back down without the drama of our last stay. Then this morning after breakfast Kharim took him for a run in the East Chezzetcook Road while Steve and Andrew were on their way down for a visit!

They arrived while Kharim was still running so I gave a tour of the property, the camper, camp and boathouse. It was a beautiful day so it was fun to have visitors and talk about what we've done and what we want to do, budget permitting. Lottery tickets came up at some point during the discussion!

After a walk over to the beach we all went marketing. It took a bit of hunting but we found the market just off the main road. We had coffee, muffins, peach cake and cookies! Yum.

I also bought some lobster tails (purchase in process shown at the left) and swiss chard for dinner. I figured I should get something that didn't come from the bakery section.

And it turns out that one of the organizers of the market is Bill, a guy we swam with at Centennial Pool. Small world.

After the market we dropped by John's place for a visit and to give him a camper update. I forgot to give him the spare set of camp keys. Next time.

Before leaving we were invited to pull a bunch of things out of his garden: peas, beets, green, yellow and "magic" beans.

Yum, yum, yum. The magic beans are a purpley colour when they come out of the ground and then turn green when you cook 'em. John used to tell his kids they were magic beans to make them more fun to eat. Classic Zareski story-telling. Not sure if Diego got the magic reference but he loved the beans and gobbled down a bunch for supper.

So we're back in town, unpacked and doing laundry. But I'm already making plans for next weekend. Can't wait.

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